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The American Legion recently launched its Be The One campaign to encourage American Legion Family members, veterans, service members, and others to take action when they believe a veteran is at risk of suicide.

The Message in the Card

“I am sending this special card to you because you have dedicated a major part of your life to defending our country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We appreciate your sacrifices and dedication as we experience freedom that others in the World do not.”

A Special Message from Artist Joseph Bohler
(printed on the back of the card)

“My idea for painting Patriotic subjects, including ”A Lesson in Freedom,” came from several experiences during my lifetime. Toward the end of WWII, my 18-year-old brother, Bobby, was lost on patrol in the South Pacific when his submarine, the USS Grampus, failed to return from her 6th mission. I was six years old. The second event was the 9/11 attack on America. We all remember where we were that fateful day! The third and most decisive and important event in my mind is the attack of America from within.” 

How to Say ‘Thanks for Your Service’ to a Veteran

With so many military bases in our area, we consistently run into the Military and retired Military.  Many of us feel urged to thank them for their service, but we don’t know what to say.  Here are some gestures and phrases you can say to the Military to thank them without sounding like a “Thank you for your service” broken record. 

Download “How to Say ‘Thanks for Your Service’ to a Veteran”.


Help us end Veteran Suicides

Artist Joseph Bohler is making his artwork “A Lesson in Freedom” available for American Legion Tri-Lakes Post 9-11. These cards will be available in packs of 5, including envelopes. Please send each card to a veteran with your personal note. Your donation supports our “Be The One” campaign to help save those who voluntarily joined the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, or Coast Guard and may now be struggling physically and mentally. 

Your Donation